Awards 2023


‘Sorda’ ‘Sorda’ by Nuria Muñoz-Ortín and Eva Libertad wins First Prize

The XXI International Short Film Festival Radio City has come to an end and we have celebrated it with all our heart in a closing party at ABC Park Cinemas, Valencia. 

 “Sorda”, directed by Nuria Muñoz-Ortín and Eva Libertad is the winner of the first prize of this edition. This 18-minute short film tells the story of Angela, deaf, and her partner Dario, listener. Together, they have six chickens, four bitches, an orchard and communication problems, to which a son will be added imminently.

Nuria Muñoz-Ortín and Eva Libertad are also co-directors of Nexus Film, where they have developed works such as «Leo y Alex en pleno siglo 21», short film with 70 selections and 3 awards, as well as being a candidate for the 2021 Goya. Currently, they are in the production of «Ángela en el mundo», a feature film inspired by «Sorda».

Thank you very much to all those who have come to toast art and culture, to all those who have filled the room in the different screenings, and to all the participants. Congratulations to the winners, who make it more difficult for us every year, without a doubt, we can boast that cinema in its shortest format is in top form.

Thank you so much to all of our collaborators that make it possible for the festiva to see the sun light year after year. This loyal followers are: San Miguel,  SchweppesPepsi, ,Cines ABC, (ESAT) Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología , (UPV) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Entropía Inteligencia Creativa Estratégica, (Musimagen) Asociación de Compositores para la Música del Audiovisual,  Escuela Mastermedia, (L’Octubre CCC) Octubre Centre Culture Comtemporània and Hinterland

Next, the list of the winners.


  • First Prize valued in 800€‘Sorda’ by Nuria Muñoz-Ortín y Eva Libertad.
  • Special Jury Prize valued in 600€Handbook, by Pavel Mozhar.
    • Special Mention of the Jury: Rimana Wasi, by Piotr Turlej
  • Prize of the Public valued in 400€: Nivel Dios, by César Tormo.
  • Opera Prima Prize valued in
  • 400€: Rosalie & César, by Joan Borderie
  • MusimagenPrize tothe best OST, free subscription for the winner to the national musics of cinema association: for Alberto Torres in La entrega, by Pedro Díaz
  • Prize Entropía Inteligencia Creativa Estratégicavalued in 750€ in courses of creativity and applied imagination: Arquitectura emocional 1959, by León Siminiani; andContemplativo, by Carlos Peris
  • PrizeEscuela Mastermedia valued in 400€ in formation: Adriana en el olvido, by Elena Piquer Esteve

Prizes / Valencian Films Section

  • Public Prize to the Best Valencian Short Film valued in100 €: Adriana en el olvido, by Elena Piquer Esteve
  • Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Valencian Short Film valued in 200€: Hàbitat, by Elena Escura.
  • Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Short Film in Valencian valued in 200€: El Maestrat Filmat, by Fermín Sales
    • Special Mention of the Jury: La Gàbia, by Adán Aliaga
    • Special Mention of the Jury: Güelo, by Victor Blanes Picó

Awards 2023

‘Too Rough’ from Sean Lìonadh wins the 800€ of our First Prize

The 20th Radio City International Short Film Festival has come to an end and we have celebrated it with style at a Closing Party at the ABC Park Cinemas, Valencia.

 “Too Rough” by the scottish Sean Lìonadh has won the First Prize at the festival. Fiction short film lasting sixteen minutes. The short film tells us the story of Nick who wakes up hungover and hysterical, along with his boyfriend Charile and must hide him from his own homophobic and dysfunctional family.

Sean is a filmmaker who has used the alchemy of cinema and poetry to share intimate work that has gained a huge online presence and left a remarkable social impact. His short film “TIME FOR LOVE” made for the BBC, reached 16 million people online and won an award from the Royal Television Society, spawned a Ted Talk and a book, as well as inspiring an LGBT movement in Boston. “SILENCE”, his first experimental short film made for the festival circuit, and premiered in Italy at the 2020 Torino Film Festival. “TOO ROUGH” is his first fiction short film and has been a complete success at our International Film Festival. Short films, the jury has aroused great interest in the work of the young filmmaker.

Thank you very much to all those who have come to toast art and culture, to all those who have filled the room in the different screenings, and to all the participants. Congratulations to the winners, who make it more difficult for us every year, without a doubt, we can boast that cinema in its shortest format is in top form.

Thank you so much to all of our collaborators that make it possible for the festiva to see the sun light year after year. This loyal followers are: San Miguel,  SchweppesPepsi, ,Cines ABC, (ESAT) Escuela Superior de Arte y Tecnología , (UPV) Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Entropía Inteligencia Creativa Estratégica, (Musimagen) Asociación de Compositores para la Música del Audiovisual,  Escuela MastermediaFundación Vicente Ferrer, (L’Octubre CCC) Octubre Centre Culture Comtemporània, Intramurs, Asun Oliver Ópticas, La Gobernanta (Restaurante).

Next, the list of the winners.


  • First Prize valued in 800€‘Too Rough’from Sean Lìonadh.
  • Special Jury Prize valued in500€‘El Silencio en las Flores’ from Julio Mas Alcaraz.
  • Prize of the Public valued in300€‘Anima Animae Animan’ from José Puchades Martínez and Julieta Gasroc.
  • Best Animation Short Film valued in 200€:‘Un Coeur D’Or’ from Simon Filliot.
  • Best Documentary Short Film valued in 200€‘Mama’de Pablo de la Chica.
  • Best Experimental Short Film valued in 200€‘Human Walkers in Motion’ de Ethann Néon, Bélgica.
  • Honorific Mention of the Jury to the best actress Isa Moltalbán for «Totem Loba»,from Veróica Echegui.
  • Jury Mention to the Best Actor Enric Juezas for «Pura Sangre»,from César Tormo.
  • MusimagenPrize tothe best OST, free subscription for the winner to the national musics of cinema association:  Tears Of Bukhara de Markel Goikoetxea Markaida.
  • Honorific Mention:Free Fall de Emmanuel Tenenbaum. 
  • Prize Entropía Inteligencia Creativa Estratégicavalued in 500€ in courses of creativity and applied imagination: ‘Navras’ de Marco Huertas
  • PrizeEscuela Mastermedia valued in 400€ in formation: Miedo de Angelo Moreno. 

Prizes / Valencian Films Section

  • Public Prize to the Best Valencian Short Film valued in 200 €: Colgados por el Arte from David Peñaranda.
  • Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Valencian Short Film: Estrella de Almudena Verdés.
  • Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Short Film in Valencian: La Pell en la Terra from Guille Porcar and Raúl Lorite.


Mia Mullarkey’s ‘Mother & baby’ wins the €1,000 First Prize

The XVIII Radio City International Short Film Festival has come to an end and we have celebrated it in style at an unprecedented Closing Party at the Valencia Film Library. ‘Mother & baby‘ by the Irish Mia Mullarkey has emerged triumphant with the First Prize of the festival. Documentary short film that offers a painful and cathartic vision of the cruel world of the Irish “homes for babies and mothers”. who gave children up for adoption without the consent of their mothers.

Thank you very much to all those who have come to toast art and culture, to all those who have filled the room in the different screenings, and to all the participants. Congratulations to the winners, who make it more difficult for us every year, without a doubt, we can boast that cinema in its shortest format is in top form.

Many thanks to all the collaborators and collaborators who make it possible for this festival, year after year, to come to light. These loyal fans of the festival are: San MiguelSchweppesCines ABCTirant AvantFilms on the roadEntropía Inteligencia Creativa EstratégicaEscuela MastermediaCruz Roja y Asun Oliver Ópticas.

Below is the list of winners.


First Prize valued in 1000€: ‘Mother & baby’ from  Mia Mullarkey.

Prize of the Public valued in 500€: ‘9 pasos’ de Marisa Crespo y Moisés Romera.
Best Animation Short Film valued in 400€: ‘La Noria’ de Carlos Baena.
Special Jury Prize valued in 300€: ‘Transconsciencia’ de Yelitö.

Best Experimental Short Film valued in 200€: ‘Murciélago’ de Claudia Claremi.

Honorable Mention of Experimental Short Films: ‘Light matter’ from Virgil Widrich and ‘Go away, come closer’ from Delaram Pouradbi.  

Prize Escuela Mastermedia valued in  400€  worth of formation: ‘Sabios de la huerta’ from David Segarra.
Prize Entropía Inteligencia Creativa Estratégica valued in 500€ in creativity courses and applied immagination: ‘The afterbirth’ from Ignacio Rodó and Blanca Bonet, also for ‘Decorator’ from Ramil Muradov.
Prize Musimagen to the best OST, free subscription to the national cinema musicians association: ‘Eternal resonance’ from Indira Solovieva.
Prize Films on the road valued in 300€ worth of distribution services: ‘Trap’ from Paul James.


Public Prize to the Best Valencian Short Film: ‘Los Galgos’ from Iñaki Sánchez Arrieta.
Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Valencian Short Film: ‘9 pasos’ from Marisa Crespo and Moisés Romera.
Prize Tirant Avant to the Best Short Film in Valencian: ‘Famdeterra’ from Toni Lucas Garrido.

Special Mention from  Tirant Avant‘Rosenwohl’ to Miguel Llorens.


Prize Cruz Roja: ‘Portuaris’ from José Ángel Montiel Roig.