Tirant Avant. 

The audiovisual sector suffered a crisis between 2010, with 70% budget cutbacks in dubbing, and 2013 with the closing of RTVV (Radiotelevisió Valenciana). And so the management of the TIRANT AVANT awards (then Festival de l´Audiovisual i les Noves Tecnologíes) believed that the best way to continue supporting Valencian audiovisual aid was to complement our activity by establishing collaborations with other organisations and public demonstrations. The Radio City International Short Film Festival was the first organisation that came to mind, considering that it was the most consistent festival to date, and as it has continued to show, one with the most solid international impact.

Because of this, it is a pleasure and an honour to be able to celebrate this edition of TIRANT AVANT along with the best Valencian shorts here in Radio City.

ENTROPÍA. Entropia Award for Applied Creativity

Entropia: Strategic Creative Intelligence is an organisation dedicated to the study and exposure of Applied Creativity and Innovation as driving force driving values of culture, industry, social wellbeing, and personal and professional development.

Among its pro bono activities, Entropía want to support the Radio City’s cultural initiatives. The best way to do this is the analysis of the programming of its International Short Film Festival, giving recognition to those films which particularly stand out for providing a particular creative vision in the film world: innovative, bold, original ,etc.

Not only does the award consist in the recognition of said talent, but it also involves a place in curses in creative methodology that Entropía provides for the growth of the innovative professional: Points of You®, Seis Sombreros para Pensar®, Lego Serious Play® o Kaos vs Control®.

MUSIMATGE. Best soundtrack award

Musimatge is the Valencian delegation of Musimagen. An association which was created in the year 2000 to defend the interests of music composers for audiovisual aid in an historic moment in which the entertainment industry and audiovisual culture has more and more importance.

The prize consists of assessing musical compostion in all its aspects: harmony, expression, emotion, synchrony, etc., with respect to the visual image of each short film.


Mastermedia School was created in 2006 in Valencia with a calling to transmit knowledge and provide a service to the audiovisual sector through specialised training and professional application.

During this time, Mastermedia School has widened its field to other areas in order to cover the necessary global communication in any kind of company,  and in this way, to deal with the demand in the labour market. They offer complete training in courses and masters of graphic design, Online Communication, Digital Marketing, Audiovisual Postproduction, Cinema, Professional Photography and Video Making.

They have participated in and collaborated with this festival since 2016, offering a training course supporting new creatives who are taking a chance and trying to mark their path in the film industry.

Participa y colabora con el festival desde el año 2016 ofreciendo un curso de formación en apoyo a los nuevos creadores que apuestan o intentar abrirse camino en la industria del cine.

Higher School of Art and Technology

ESAT is a Higher Technical School with international university progression, specializing in Computer Graphics and Interactive Digital Media studies.

ESAT carries out all its activity in the digital training sector and is specialized in Video Game Programming, Art for Video Games, Video Game Design, as well as in a Digital Interactive Art and Design program (Interactive Graphic Design), these studies are higher level degrees , official in the United Kingdom and corresponding to level 5 (LEVEL 5 of the European Framework Qualifications).


In the 19th edition of the Radio City International Festival of Short Films, a new category of shorts has been created as a result of the collaboration between two professors of the Polytechnic University of Valencia: Carlos Garcia Miragall (DSIC) and Maria Jose Martinez de Pison (D. Pintura) with the organisation of the festival coordinated by Natalia Lozano, former student of the University. This new category will have an exclusive section for current and former students of the university, and a more cultural and educational aspect as it will include live conferences and presentations of Live cinema.

Each year the Radio City International Festival of Short Films strengthens its objectives and inner network of collaboration in order to endorse independent initiatives that support the promotion of local, national and international culture, which can be seen this year with the introduction of the category of Exprerimental Cinema / Live Cinema.

The main objective of this new category is to actively support young people by providing a place to meet, dialogue together and exchange knowledge about the topic. For the cultural-educational aspect of the proposal, this is objective is strengthened by the involvement of the participants in distinct activities: two conferences, jury, and two sessions of Live Cinema.

ABC Cinemas

This is a chain of one of the most cinemas in Valencia. Once the festival has finished, some of the winning short films will be projected on one of the screens of ABC Park, the most central cinema of the chain. This provides a unique opportunity for the participants.


Cervantes Institute

The Radio City International Festival of Short Films and the Cervantes Institute combine their enthusiasm in order to co-organise sessions of animated shorts which have passed through our festival. With this collaboration we aim to speed up the diffusion of the short film sector and also to give visibility to the work of public communication of the festivals for these less common formats in classrooms or on screens. In the presentation of this selection in the Cervantes Institute centres, short films, in this case, animated ones, will reach a new audience. This is an opportunity to continue growing and strengthening the short format starting with collaboration and trust.