Edition is over!

There is less and less left for the closing of the edition! And it is that this Friday, May 12, at the ABC Park Cinemas, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony of the festival will be held. The event, with free access, will begin at 7:30 p.m., it will take place in room F, where, after a brief photocall, the gala will begin.

This XXI edition has been very well received. It has filled each of the sessions, the result of a laborious selection of seventy-odd works among 600 works of great quality presented. This year’s harvest has pleasantly surprised us because the members of the jury have not had it easy at all.

The gala will be conducted by the actor and playwright Pablo Díaz del Río, accompanied by the musical duo made up of Alex Díaz, percussionist, and Diego Corraliza, composer and guitarist who will provide the musical note.

Our master of ceremonies, Pablo Díaz, is an actor with a degree in Dramatic Art from ESAD-Valencia, with more than 10 collaborations behind him, both in the audiovisual and theatrical fields. Among his works, we can highlight his most recent participation in the plays “ELS TARDÍGRADS” and “LOS REYES MAGOS” and the series “DESPRÉS DE TU”.

Diego Corraliza has won the first prizes in the international composition competitions for guitar Manuel de Falla (Seville 2019) and Miquel Llobet (Barcelona 2020), with the works “Two Preludes for Guitar” and “First Song” respectively, in addition to having published reference books in the field of improvisation.

For his part, Alex Díaz is a percussionist with extensive experience both inside and outside of Spain. As a duo, they have mainly worked on fusion projects of classical music for guitar and percussion, adapting works by the great guitar masters to go hand in hand with the cajón flamenco.

Together with them, directors, the public and the industry will meet at this gala to reward the best short films in each section. Once the awards ceremony is over, some of the winning films will be screened, after which the Festival will close this year’s cycle of short film screenings.

LIMITED CAPACITY. We will start at 7:30 p.m.


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